Compare GSTR-2A with software details using Saral GST – Step 3

In the third part of this series, we will be looking at how to  Compare GSTR-2A data using Saral GST.  In our previous steps, we have entered or imported the data and downloaded GSTR-2A. Now we will be comparing GSTR2A.

After downloading GSTR-2A, now we have to compare the details available in GSTR-2A with that entered in Saral GST.

If you are not yet a user of Saral GST, go ahead and explore it here.

You can either go ahead and read the post or watch the videos in which we have shown how to do the processes.

To compare the details, goto GSTR2 -> GSTR-2A Compare.

The screen displayed will show all the data from the GSTR-2A depending on the comparison with the GSTR2 entered details.

Here, Section Type is the display of data based on the category of a transaction from GSTR-2A i.e B2B (Registered Person) and Credit/Debit Note transaction.

On the display of the invoices, the user is required to select the required invoice and approve or disapprove the invoice by setting a Flag and save the information. This, in turn, will be updated on the entry screen and then to GSTN.

The flag is an indicator to GSTN on the type of approval or disapproval from the user. There are various flags depending upon the type of view. The flag updated against the particular invoice will be captured and uploaded to GSTN on JSON upload.

The different views and their Flag setting are as shown below;

  • All: Will display all the invoice details from GSTR-2A.
  • Matched: Will display the invoice details that match between GSTR-2A and software entry.

The Flag in this view is;

  • A – Accept: Accept the invoice selected.
  • P – Pending: Keep the invoice on hold for the upcoming month.
  • Mismatch: Will display the invoice details that do not match between GSTR-2A and software entry. The data that does not match is highlighted in orange color.

The Flag in this view is;

  • A – Accept: Accept the invoice selected.
  • M – Modify: Modify the selected invoice by uploading the software entered data to GSTN.
  • P – Pending: Keep the invoice on hold for the upcoming month.

Note: The invoice will be displayed in 2 colors, green-colored data will show data entered in the software and red-colored data will show data downloaded from GSTR2A and orange highlight will display on the mismatch field. The user can compare the data and set the relevant flag.

  • Entered: Will display the invoice details that are available in software but not available in GSTR-2A.

The Flag in this view is;

  • U – Upload: Upload the selected invoice to GSTN.
  • Downloaded: Will display the invoice details that are available in GSTR-2A but not available in the Software.

The Flag in this view is;

  • A – Accept: Accept the invoice selected and add to GSTR2.
  • R – Reject: Reject the selected invoice and update in GSTN.
  • P – Pending: Keep the invoice on hold for the upcoming month.
  • Invoice No. Mismatch: Will display the invoice details were only the Invoice number does not match with the downloaded invoice details.

The Flag in this view is;

  • A – Accept: Accept the invoice selected and add to GSTR2.

Note: The invoice will be displayed in 2 colors, green colored data will show data entered in the software and red colored data will show data downloaded from GSTR-2A. The user can compare the data and set the relevant flag.

  • GSTIN Mismatch: Will display the invoice details were Invoice GSTIN does not match with the downloaded invoice details.

The Flag in this view is;

  • A – Accept: Accept the invoice selected and add to GSTR2.

Note: The invoice will be displayed in 2 colors, green colored data will show data entered in the software and red colored data will show data downloaded from GSTR-2A. The user can compare the data and set the relevant flag.

The same process has to be followed for all the section type. After updating the respective flags, click on Set As Compared to finalize the details and Save the details have to be saved for next process.